
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Yahoo has news story about a Frank Lloyd Wright house on Lake Michigan being demolished. They plan to replace it with a new four-bedroom home with a two car garage. Now grant it, this was a prefab Wright home, but still this is a loss to me. No doubt they will replace the home with a generic, bland, cookie -cutter McMansion. Why? Yes, it would cost a lot to fix. Yes, it wasn't built in the best fashion to withstand Lake Michigan winters. And yes, even it was a prefab. But Wright signed off on the design, so it wasn't like the damn place came out of a box. Another example of personality being replaced with faceless progress. As you might guess, I'm not opposed to progress, I just wish when building modern buildings people would put some damn creativity into them. Do all architects suck that badly now? Or has price become such a concern builders would rather buy their house from the multiple Wal-Mart style home builders? Either way, it looks like we're all relegated to another 20 years of faceless, soul sucking architectural style.

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