Thursday, April 29, 2004
Did anybody notice that at this point in the election Kerry seems like little more than one of those annoying, yaping little dogs that fat ladies and old women own? He is, along with the rest of the democratic party, in such a dire situation with little hope for relief that he is trying everything he can to get the attention on himself. He is flabbergasted that as troop deaths have increased in Iraq, so had Bush's approval rating. With the economy going strong and an interminable sense of optimism in the general population, he has little is nothing to run on. Outsourcing has become a big issue, if only because the democrats have repeatedly tried to make it one. Fact is, even if the numbers of (projected) outsourcing jobs are doubled to 500,000 it still only equals 7/10ths of 1% of the jobs in the nation. Doesn't seem like an issue a candidate can build an entire campaign on. He tried to make military service an issue, but the specter of his shameful behavior as a vet in the early 70's denied him any chance to make headway in that department. And, in perhaps the unkindest cut of all, the Village Voice is calling for Kerry to get the hell out while the party still has a chance (albeit a tiny one). If I were Terry McCauliff (Sp?) I would keep Kerry in as a straw man for this election and keep him quiet. Then I would concentrate on 2008. The party needs to gather itself again. With Bush's jump to the middle (Yes, he is in the middle no matter what some might say, just look at how he spends!) the party was split in two and unless they want to spend the rest of their days pandering to the loony left and never getting anywhere near elected, they need to reclaim their base and their old values. America doesn't want anarchists, communists and those who would hope to give all our power to foreign, crooked political bodies. Sorry, that;s as clear as I can put it. Many might not agree with the war, that's fine. I'm not questioning anybodies patriotism. But the majority of this country still holds on to traditional values and they are going to vote with their conscience and common sense.
Frank's Gem:
Nobody looks good bent over. Especially to pick up a cheque.
Nobody looks good bent over. Especially to pick up a cheque.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Test you luck and skills and find out if YOU can tell which is which...
Schneckloth: What about your audiences now? Are they more jaded? Do they demand more in the way of entertainment?
Zappa: They're more enthusiastic. They're more alert because there's less acid being used--which is not to say they don't use other things. But the type of drug that is popular with the audience has some bearing on the way in which they perceive things. There was so much acid during the `60s that it was very easy for large numbers of people to think they had seen God as soon as the Beatles went boom, boom, boom, you know? So that particular chemical made a lot of really peculiar things possible in terms of musical sales. And since the status of that drug has been wearing off, and other things are taking its place--notably wine and beer--you have a different kind of audience mentality.
I'll do the stupid thing first and then you shy people follow...
Zappa: They're more enthusiastic. They're more alert because there's less acid being used--which is not to say they don't use other things. But the type of drug that is popular with the audience has some bearing on the way in which they perceive things. There was so much acid during the `60s that it was very easy for large numbers of people to think they had seen God as soon as the Beatles went boom, boom, boom, you know? So that particular chemical made a lot of really peculiar things possible in terms of musical sales. And since the status of that drug has been wearing off, and other things are taking its place--notably wine and beer--you have a different kind of audience mentality.
I'll do the stupid thing first and then you shy people follow...
The CIA/Blog story was all over the blogosphere yesterday, and I think most of it was to do with the fact that bloggers are happy they are getting noticed. The other side of the coin comes from those that fear we are being denied civil liberties and other such stuff. Here's the Yahoo news story.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
The CIA now says it will start to monitor blogs, which I have no problem with. I mean, we are the new media, after all. Besides that, we happen to be closer to events and opinions than major print media, so it could be a great source of information on what is going on in the "real world". Sure, many will step up and say this is just the next step in the Zionist/Halliburton world takeover conspiracy, but I think these kinds of opinions speak for themselves.
Monday, April 26, 2004
And Frank Zappa for the day:
When did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children?
When did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the worst line in the history of Cinema:
"I'm sorry, whenever I see you doing something so domestic, my boner just can't help itself."
"I'm sorry, whenever I see you doing something so domestic, my boner just can't help itself."
Friday, April 23, 2004
This has absolutely nothing to do with anything, but check out how ugly these deep sea fish are. Damn! The sea spiders are pretty gross, but check out the viperfish. Ya'll seen Alien?
I think this week should be Frank Zappa week, so every day (that I remember) I am going to post lyrics from Zappa that I feel really shed some lilght onto this mysteries of the world. Todays lyrics come from the album Tinseltown Rebellion.
FZ: Awright, wait a minute, wait a minute. I have an - I have an important message to deliver to all the cute people all over the world. If you're out there and you're cute, maybe you're beautiful, I just want to tell you somethin' - there's more of us ugly mother-fuckers than you are, hey-y, so watch out. Now . . .
FZ: Awright, wait a minute, wait a minute. I have an - I have an important message to deliver to all the cute people all over the world. If you're out there and you're cute, maybe you're beautiful, I just want to tell you somethin' - there's more of us ugly mother-fuckers than you are, hey-y, so watch out. Now . . .

This shows the disparity of America today. Look at where most of the funding for Kerry comes from, the large urban centers. The rest of the country (that the city folk see as "fly over country") is mostly firmly for Bush. Think about this for awhile and what it means for the election and our democracy.
Go to google, type in "waffles", and hit I'm Feeling Lucky. Guess where you'll go?
Thursday, April 22, 2004
This is seriously the coolest thing I have seen all week! Mario on guitar!
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
This is!
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Don't sweat it Kyle. Two of my friends had the same thing happen to them in high school. While anyhting that has to do with your heart is bad news, the procedure isn't really all that bad. No matter, good luck.
Monday, April 19, 2004
Congrats, Monte, although Clint might be a pussy, you still won. That shows heart, you guys can take to the next level and max the envelope, push the edge, and whatnot.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Hey, Andrea, no biggie. I know what you mean by losing your sense of humor, I think we're all in the same damn boat and its sinking. To lighten things up, here are some people wrestling in grits.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
I'm really sorry Andrea, but I have to.

How 'bout dem Reds? First in the division over some tough teams, including the pitcher-happy Cubs. I figure we have at least three days left with a healthy Griffey, so we better make the best of it!
I love tea, Gilbie, and I try to drink around 6 glasses a day. It really is leaps and bounds better for you than coffee (although coffee isn't as bad for you as some might think). Here are some interesting articles that have just come out about tea and its power over cancer.
Confusing cancer cells
Killing leukemia cells.
Confusing cancer cells
Killing leukemia cells.
First of all, IT'S A JOKE!!!!! Did you scroll down and read the rest of the articles on the page? "Bush Challenges NASA to Put Man on Sun by End of Decade", "Handicapped Kid Drops Olympic Torch, Humiliates Family, Community", "Mesh Shirt to Replace 'Wife Beater' as Official Undergarment of Domestic Violence". The site is a joke, and a funny one I might add. But, in regards to the rest of your post, Halliburton (the great Evil corporation) has a majority stockholder in Ladybird Johnson, wife of Mr. Great Society *slumlord extrodinaire* Anyway most of the moeny they made in government contracts was made in the 1990's, and we all know who was president then. Also, Halliburton deals with oil. Iraq is full of oil. There you go. France's largest oil company was making billions a day off of Iraqi oil and the UN was getting kickbacks from Saddam to look the other way on the embargo. Why do they get a free pass from criticism?
In the 80's we took Iraq off the terrorist list for obvious reasons, they were fighting the country that was a bigger threat at the time. Additional Iran had just participated in the taking of American hostages, so of course we would pick the other team. Diplomacy is often the choice of the lesser of two evils. That and there was no way in hell we could have known about what Saddam would become.
Secondly, this is a war. When the "militants" fire at us from mosques and from groups of civilians, we are left with little choice but to fight back against those who would kill our boys. Fallujah participated in a disgusting act of barbarity in killing the contractors that were merely there to rebuild the damn country. This kind of act will not be tolerated and we need to show that. We really are fighting a PC war, hell, we could have pulled a Dresden on them and annihilated the entire town without a second thought. We didn't, and I think that says something. What other army actually goes out of its way and puts more of its people in danger in order to protect those they are fighting with? None. But that still isn't good enough for some
In the 80's we took Iraq off the terrorist list for obvious reasons, they were fighting the country that was a bigger threat at the time. Additional Iran had just participated in the taking of American hostages, so of course we would pick the other team. Diplomacy is often the choice of the lesser of two evils. That and there was no way in hell we could have known about what Saddam would become.
Secondly, this is a war. When the "militants" fire at us from mosques and from groups of civilians, we are left with little choice but to fight back against those who would kill our boys. Fallujah participated in a disgusting act of barbarity in killing the contractors that were merely there to rebuild the damn country. This kind of act will not be tolerated and we need to show that. We really are fighting a PC war, hell, we could have pulled a Dresden on them and annihilated the entire town without a second thought. We didn't, and I think that says something. What other army actually goes out of its way and puts more of its people in danger in order to protect those they are fighting with? None. But that still isn't good enough for some
Whoa! Been awhile since I've been here. Blame it on unrealistic workloads. There's nothing like working 12 hours on a draft of a paper only to have the prof tell you that this is a "start" and basically tell you to rewrite the whole damn thing from the ground up. Worst part is, I really don't care enough to even do that.
Friday, April 09, 2004
Ha! Check this out!
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Yeah, I've had my fair share of fun with the housing lottery. This year I got lucky and they made up for all their past mistakes, though, so I don't have anything to complain about.
Monday, April 05, 2004
Summer research does beat the hell out of real work. I did it last summer and they basically give you a whole lot of money to do a whole lot of nothing. At least that's what I did. So you have to turn in a 40 page paper, so waht? You get ten weeks with no other classes to worry about. It's a piece of cake!
Friday, April 02, 2004
Really, come on, how bad does this look?
I know he's trying to get in touch with the young voter, but any time this is the result it makes everyone look stupid, not just him. I would rather be ignored than patronized.
And before anyone says anything about Bush in a flight suit, remember, he actually was a pilot. Plus he could kick Kerry's ass. Ha! My president can beat up your president!

I know he's trying to get in touch with the young voter, but any time this is the result it makes everyone look stupid, not just him. I would rather be ignored than patronized.
And before anyone says anything about Bush in a flight suit, remember, he actually was a pilot. Plus he could kick Kerry's ass. Ha! My president can beat up your president!
Thursday, April 01, 2004
I think I have your answer, Gilbie. Jamaica is calling you back...