Sunday, February 29, 2004
This bizarre hatred of The Passion is getting out of control. Is it really that hard to believe that someone would want to make a movie about the Christ that didn't try to bring him down in some way? Most Christians that I talk to say the movie was extraordinary and powerful. Non-Christians hate it. Imagine that. First they attacked it as anti-Semitic, (a ridiculous claim that has since been dropped). Then they said it was bad because Mel's dad is a fundamentalist (and yes, probably a nut). Then they tried to make Mel look like a fundamentalist idiot. Then they attacked the movie for being too violent. Since when did the media start worrying about stuff being too violent? This is the same group of quasi-intellectuals that enjoy the Vagina Monologues and thought it ludicrous that anyone would be offended by Janet's nipple. All of a sudden they change their tune and say that this movie is too violent? Since when did they step up in favor of censorship or moral standards? I wonder if that Jesus guy has anything to do with it? Now, with the link that Gilbie posts calls it anti-gay, or "sadomasochistic male narcissism" and then infers (as far as I can tell) that Mel and the crew are all repressed homosexuals. Is this truly the level of debate that is going to rage around this movie?
Friday, February 27, 2004
Here's some communication news for ya. Why did what Barnet's comments cause such a stir and no one picked up on this?
"U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown verbally attacked a top Bush administration official during a Washington briefing on the Haiti crisis Wednesday, calling the president's policy on the beleaguered nation ''racist'' and his representatives ''a bunch of white men.''
Her outburst was directed at Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega during a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill. Noriega, a Mexican-American, is the State Department's top official for Latin America. ...
Brown sat directly across the table from Noriega and yelled into a microphone. Her comments sent a hush over the hourlong meeting, which was attended by about 30 people, including several members of Congress and Bush administration officials.
Noriega later told Brown: ''As a Mexican-American, I deeply resent being called a racist and branded a white man,'' according to three participants.
Brown then told him ''you all look alike to me,'' the participants said." Source
You all look alike to me?! Can you even fathom what would happen if a white person said that? Lord have mercy! They ended Trent Lott's career over less! But that's what you get. Remember kids, only whites can be racist.
"U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown verbally attacked a top Bush administration official during a Washington briefing on the Haiti crisis Wednesday, calling the president's policy on the beleaguered nation ''racist'' and his representatives ''a bunch of white men.''
Her outburst was directed at Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega during a closed-door meeting on Capitol Hill. Noriega, a Mexican-American, is the State Department's top official for Latin America. ...
Brown sat directly across the table from Noriega and yelled into a microphone. Her comments sent a hush over the hourlong meeting, which was attended by about 30 people, including several members of Congress and Bush administration officials.
Noriega later told Brown: ''As a Mexican-American, I deeply resent being called a racist and branded a white man,'' according to three participants.
Brown then told him ''you all look alike to me,'' the participants said." Source
You all look alike to me?! Can you even fathom what would happen if a white person said that? Lord have mercy! They ended Trent Lott's career over less! But that's what you get. Remember kids, only whites can be racist.
Am I stupid, or are there people that don't post? I am not trying to by a mommy or anything, I could give a shit if someone posts or not. I just wondered if I had put them into my browser wrong. Oh well. Sian has some lyrics and some harsh words for Bush.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
There is really something else that has been bothering me in the political discussions people have been having lately. It has to do with religion and public office. Everyone misinterprets the first amendment to mean something totally alien to its original intent. First of all, let's have a quick recap of the language used in the amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Congress shall make no law establishing a religion. That does not mean that public officials cannot have and espouse their religion as much as they please and write laws based on their understanding of their religion within reason. The voters will be the ones to ultimately decide whether a politician goes to far in expressing his religion. That being said, the first amendment also prohibits congress from passing any law that makes an official non-religious stance in government. So, even if you (in general) don't agree with Bush or any other politician using religion in his speeches, there is nothing at all wrong with it and they have as much right to do so as you do to disagree.
I can't keep up with it all! I'm sorry Matt, but the death of my countrymen is a big dealto me an I am glad I have a president who feels the same. Maybe it isn't the most effective way to wage a war against the disease of terror in the middle east, but trying to fight terrorism as law enforcement was tried in the nineties to terrible results. Take the two men who blew up Pan Am 103 in 1988. Obvioulsy a case of terrorism, right? These two men were pursued in a style consistent with law enforcement rather than war, and they were able to avoid capture for ten years. Why? Because a country, Libya, took them in and refused to giver them up and there was nothing anyone could do about it. But imagine if the US had pointed some cruise missiles down Khadaffi throat he would have sang a different song, just like he did when Reagan did something similar to him in the eighties. So, as we can see, there is a lot more reason for a country to cooperate with the US if they understand that we mean business.
It's about time some good discussions get going and we finally have it. So Ivan's post I misinterpreted. Well enough, there is common understanding that even if Bush never was in office there would still be the threat we face today. Even when he leaves it will be there. Ivan, however, is offended that I blame Clinton for the attacks on Sept. 11. I don't blame Clinton, but I don't give him a free pass, either. After no less than 4 attacks on American interests, one of which against the WTC, he did absolutely nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If that wasn't an invitation for bigger and better things on the part of the terrorists I don't know what is. No, Clinton didn't want it to happen there was no grand conspiracy, he just was so afraid of insulting that "international community" that he was willing to let Americans and American interests be attacked. Now, Bush is obviously such an idiot and has ruined this country with his Cowboy approach, but since he has gone ahead without the "international community" there hasn't been an attack on US soil. I pray to God that this lasts, and I don;t want to turn terrorism into a political tool to get him re-elected, but his stance on foreign policy has so far been the only one that has shown itself to be productive. Kerry promises a return to Clintonian policy and with that there is the threat of a return of terrorist activity in our nation.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Long week and it's only tuesday. Last night I was entertaining congressmen and tonight I had to go to a funeral. I hope things get back to normal soon, I need to do more worK! Anyhoo, check out Kyle'sblog and help me complete my assignment.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Guess what, Ivan, no matter if Bush is in there you will hear about terror. Terror is something that we will deal with for the next decade. If Kerry gets into office, assuming that he has some kind of plan of action other than attacking Bush, the terror will still be there. Same deal with Nader. It won't go away no matter how far left the candidate in office. Clinton was in office nad there was terror, difference with him was the fact that he didn't do a damn thing aobut it and then look what happened. I don't want to see anyhting like that in my life again and I am willing to go to great lengths to make sure it doesn't. That means we need a man in office who won't give our defense to the useless UN or try to getsome vague concept called "international consensus" from the equaly vague "international community", a group that at best cares nothing for anything but its own interests. So there.
Friday, February 20, 2004
Ok, I lied in class, UNLV never really got into trouble, although they were breaking rules. It was Southern Methodist that got the death penalty, as it turns out they were using alumni to buy players and the scandal was so deep that they had to shut the entire program down. That being said, I don't think this will happen at UC, but they most likely will lose scholarships or lose the ability to play in bowl games for a few years to come. This, of course, all depends on how deep the program is entrenched in the scandal. I can't say anything constructive about Barnet (sp?) since the man is such an idiot. Any other time I wouldn't be bothered by him saying a girl sucked any more than him saying a guy sucked. Why is it a bad thing if he questioned a girls ability? The problem is when he said it. The only thing he can do is apologize if he ever expects to work again because no university will take a chance on a man like that. The PC element is too strong in academia.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Not to bring everybody down, but today I just found out my best friends dad died. Talk about a kick in the nuts. It really sucks because you feel like you want to do something but there is nothing that you can do to help, really. Just be there, I guess. Live it up, people, you don't know how much you have left. It always confused me to see old people just sitting around in thier houses all day. You would think that if you were old you'd go out and party hardy, you know, what do you have to lose?
In the meantime go look at this blog. It'll make you a better person.
In the meantime go look at this blog. It'll make you a better person.
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
I know I just can't let it go, but people have to know that there is no issue with the Bush/National Guard wannabe scandal. Here is some more refutation of the common claims.
For those of you who were considering voting for Kerry (who will be the nominee) and are against drilling in Alaska, check out this snippet of an interview with Hoffa, who recalls what Kerry promised him "He says, look, I am against ANWR, but I am going to put that pipeline in and we‘re going to drill like never before. . . ." So which side is it, Mr. Kerry?
Matt, you are totally right. Old Spillwaukee is the better beer, if only because it has a little taste.
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
In response to Dre's blog, HE NEVER MISSED ANYTHING!. And for the record, the Democrats did try to make something out of this. Problem was, it was such a non-issue (Check out the sources below) that they couldn't even pick up the ball to run with it.
For Verification check:
Especially Here
And Here
Facts sure do get in the way of a good political story, don't they?
For Verification check:
Especially Here
And Here
Facts sure do get in the way of a good political story, don't they?
I have to agree with Matt and say that Miracle was pretty good, but I had some problems with it. Kurt Russell was awesome,don't get me wrong, but the plot and some of the other characters were a little weak. As always, the truth was much more incredible than the fiction. They couldn't have written it any better than it really happened. It was refreshing to see some good old-fashioned America-love in the movies for once, though.
Okay, when hampsters stick their hand in their mouth it isn't because they are bulemic, they can store their food in their mouths. Dad will have some big cheeks a lot of the time 'cause he carries his food around with him.
Monday, February 16, 2004
Two links today. One is Sam Bortz and his analysis of why Sundays suck. I have to say I agree. Most of the time I feel like we only get one day off. That's only if you aren't busy as hell, like most of us are. The funny (funny as in sad) thing is a lot of profs see the weekend as two extra days that we can be doing work, not two days we should get to have a minute to relax. Oh well. Second is a link to Seth's site. I know I have linked here before, but I found his story about chasing a story pretty interesting.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
It's tropical outside! Sam has a little paragraph that is fairly interesting, but if you want a real read head over to Liz's because she's pissed, damn it!
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
You know,I was going to comment on todays conversation, but I don't really care. Screw it. Instead, I will follow the course of my last few posts and talk about something totally irrelevant. I picked up some Judas Priest the other day, and actually they are pretty cool. The only problem I have when I listen to early eighties metal is that I feel a mullet creeping on. Oh well, guess that's just what happens when you're a cracker. Or is that Evil Oppressor Race? I never can keep up with the titles. Another good set of tunes is some early Deep Purple. Go beyond Smoke on the Water, which is by far one of their worst songs.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Has anyone ever driven without power steering before? It sucks real bad, but it kinda makes you feel buff when you have to throw your shoulder into the wheel when you turn.
It's hard to link to people when people don't post a lot. It's okay that they don't, it just makes it hard to find interesting stuff. Ya'll know what I mean. Anyway, here is Matt Peterson's blog
Monday, February 09, 2004
Man, looking at the newzcrawler feeds, looks like I should have gone to class this morning.
Let me give everyone two good reason why they should visit brie's blog . One, she obviously has great taste even if she doesn't like cars, and two, well, she linked to me and that's all the excuse I need.
Friday, February 06, 2004
The daily schedule you wish you all had
Thursday, February 05, 2004
SWEET. Ya'll can keep your Audi's.

I added a new link on the side to a site who's creator I have talked with a few times over the past three years. Good site, great things to do if you ever feel interested. Basically the hobby of "urban infiltration" consists of breaking into abandoned sites that one finds interesting. I know it sounds stupid at first, but it really is a lot of fun, at least if you any interest in history. Plus there are a lot of things about a community one would never know about unless one digs into the oral history. Like the fact that Newark used to have a whorehouse (or a Brothel for those who are easily offended) down by the railroad called Mateo's. Honestly! Anyway, some might call those of us who participate in the hobby as trespassers, but I prefer the term guerrilla archeologist. We never vandalize anything and we probalby have more respect for the property that the true owners. If you do happen to visit the site check out Mudhouse Mansion. It's real close to here and a few friends and I got chased by hillbillies in trucks out into the surrounding feilds. Yeha, it was awesome.
In honor of those members in our group, I present to you Liz Jacksons blog. (I'm running out of clever ways to tie these links into my posts.)
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
How cool is it that Mardea's brother plays for Michigan State? Izzo is one of my favorite coaches, it's just too bad that I don't like the team!
Let's take a look at this personal form a girl who really knows her kink-badalice. First of the name is enough to make you wonder, but we'll give her a deeper look. She classifies herself as a "cranky, but cute redhead." That's fine enough, you could imagine that she is aiming for the type of guy that wants a feisty woman. She also says she is a recovering Catholic. HA! Wow, man, score some points for originality there! I have never, ever, heard anyone call themselves that! (sarcasm) I think I might start calling myself a recovering Swede. Anyway, she lists some very specific things in her "Why you should get to know me." She comes right out and says the way she is. "This is where I sell myself right? Hmmm...well I am sweet, loyal, idealistic, smart, tough, but still cute. I have a raunchy sense of humor, I bake a mean cheesecake, and I drink beer from the bottle." Good enough, although these are all good things to be, so there is really no need for her to make stuff up. There are no true opposites like some we read in class, she doesn't try to be everything and yet nothing at all. She seems more of a straight shooter, someone who knows what they want and is not afraid to be honest about it. She doesn't try to use a lot of form to make her easier to handle. Actually, you could say that her lack of form is her selling point. In some ways that is attractive, but in some it is scary. In the end it all comes down to the person who wants to get involved with her.
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
I'm sorry Ethan, but I have to disagree with you when you say that JT was the man showing Janet's boob. She is old and that's that. I don't want to see her boobs no matter what the circumstance. I don't care if kids saw it on TV or whatever, it's just that every time I see her I think of Mike and there is no way anything sexual should be in the same state as that man.
Since I'm an Evil Conservative, I figured I'd take a break from buying stock in Haliburton with the money I stole from poor, unwed mothers and say a thing or two about the new budget Bush is proposing. First and most importantly, when did this guy give up the title "conservative"? Seriously, he is the most indiscriminate spender I have ever seen come out of the republican party and I just can't stand it. Maybe it's because he is a compassionate conservative. Well, if that means we go even deeper in debt than I'll take the old fashioned Heartless Conservative. Perhaps this is an effort to pander to all sides with programs and bonuses and money for all, but damn, man, we gotta take that purse away from him! And no, this is not me admitting I'll vote for Howlin' Howie or Kerry, but it's time for the rest of the republicans in congress (you know who you are guys, don't be afraid to step up) to tell him enough is enough.
Monday, February 02, 2004
You know, I didn't think Plato could be this easy to read when I first signed up for this politics class. That isn't to say he is easy; it's still a pain in the ass. Its just that it isn't as bad as I thought it could be. I do wish he would get to the damn point sometimes, though. Speaking of Plato, Andrea Gomez has a quote from Plato on her blog. How about that tie in?
Sunday, February 01, 2004
I hate Michigan and I hate Tom Brady and I hate the Patriots. So there.
Man I can't wait for college football...
Friday night I was drinking with some friends from home, one of whom is going to school to become a mechanic for race cars. We were talking about the Monte and through the haze of rum and cigarette smoke he thought that it might be my water pump going out, and not a leak in the hose. He reached this conclusion due to the fact that my heat decides not to work sometimes. Of course it has to do it in the coldest winter the country has seen. Damn global warming
Some of my blog colleagues have some interesting things to say. Seth Seymour has the honor of being able to consider himself and honest-to-God working journalist. It think that's pretty cool, really. I mean, what have I done with myself so far? Not much really, but that doesn't bother me nearly as much as it should. Another interesting site is DeLaWarr, who comments on the quality of the news coverage in Ohio. The target of the criticism is WHIZ-TV out of Zanesville, Ohio. For those of you who might not know, no one in Ohio watches WHIZ. It is without a doubt the most generic news ever. I think they shoot it with a camcorders circa 1988. And for those of you who have never been to Zanesville, well, lets just say that there are a lot of necks that are red in that area. Not that there's anything wrong with that.